
Source code for nodepy.twostep_runge_kutta_method

Class for two-step Runge-Kutta methods, and various functions related to them.

This module is extremely experimental and some parts may be incompatible
with the rest of nodepy.


    >>> from nodepy import twostep_runge_kutta_method as tsrk

* Load methods::

    >>> tsrk4 = tsrk.loadTSRK('order4')
    >>> tsrk5 = tsrk.loadTSRK('order5')

    >>> print(tsrk4)
    Two-step Runge-Kutta Method
     -113/88      | 1435/352      -479/352      | 1
     -103/88      | 1917/352      -217/352      |               1
    -4483/8011    | 180991/96132  -17777/32044  | -44709/32044  48803/96132
    >>> print(tsrk4.latex())
      - \frac{113}{88} & \frac{1435}{352} & - \frac{479}{352} & 1 & 0\\
      - \frac{103}{88} & \frac{1917}{352} & - \frac{217}{352} & 0 & 1\\
      - \frac{4483}{8011} & \frac{180991}{96132} & - \frac{17777}{32044} & - \frac{44709}{32044} & \frac{48803}{96132}

    >>> tsrk4.plot_stability_region()

* Check their order of accuracy::

    >>> tsrk4.order()
    >>> tsrk5.order(tol=1.e-3)

* Get the radius of absolute monotonicity::

    >>> tsrk4.absolute_monotonicity_radius()
    >>> tsrk5.absolute_monotonicity_radius()


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np

import nodepy.rooted_trees as rt
import nodepy.snp as snp
from nodepy.strmanip import *
from nodepy.general_linear_method import GeneralLinearMethod
from six.moves import range

[docs]class TwoStepRungeKuttaMethod(GeneralLinearMethod): #===================================================== r""" General class for Two-step Runge-Kutta Methods The representation uses the form and partly the notation of :cite:`jackiewicz1995`, equation (1.3). `\begin{align*} y^n_j = & d_j u^{n-1} + (1-d_j)u^n + \Delta t \sum_{k=1}^{s} (\hat{a}_{jk} f(y_k^{n-1}) + a_{jk} f(y_k^n)) & (1\le j \le s) \\ u^{n+1} = & \theta u^{n-1} + (1-\theta)u^n + \Delta t \sum_{j=1}^{s}(\hat{b}_j f(y_j^{n-1}) + b_j f(y_j^n)) \end{align*}` """ def __init__(self,d,theta,A,b,Ahat=None,bhat=None,type='General',name='Two-step Runge-Kutta Method'): r""" Initialize a 2-step Runge-Kutta method.""" d,A,b,Ahat,bhat=snp.normalize(d,A,b,Ahat,bhat) self.s = max(np.shape(b)) self.d,self.theta,self.A,self.b = d,theta,A,b self.Ahat,self.bhat=Ahat,bhat #if type=='General': self.Ahat,self.bhat=Ahat,bhat #elif type=='Type I': # self.Ahat = np.zeros([self.s,self.s]) # self.bhat = np.zeros([self.s,1]) #elif type=='Type II': # self.Ahat = np.zeros([self.s,self.s]) # self.Ahat[:,0]=Ahat # self.bhat = np.zeros([self.s,1]) # self.bhat[0]=bhat #else: raise Exception('Unrecognized type') self.type=type def order(self,tol=1.e-13): r""" Return the order of a Two-step Runge-Kutta method. Computed by computing the elementary weights corresponding to the appropriate rooted trees. """ p=0 while True: z=self.order_conditions(p+1) if np.any(abs(z)>tol): return p p=p+1 def __len__(self): """ The length of the method is the number of stages. """ return np.size(self.A,0) def order_conditions(self,p): r""" Evaluate the order conditions corresponding to rooted trees of order $p$. **Output**: - A vector $z$ of residuals (the amount by which each order condition is violated) TODO: Implement simple order conditions (a la Albrecht) for Type I & II TSRKs """ from numpy import dot d,theta,Ahat,A,bhat,b=self.d,self.theta,self.Ahat,self.A,self.bhat,self.b e=np.ones(len(b)) b=b.T; bhat=bhat.T c=dot(Ahat+A,e)-d code=TSRKOrderConditions(p) z=np.zeros(len(code)) for i in range(len(code)): exec('yy='+code[i]) exec('z[i]='+code[i]) return z def stability_matrix(self,z): r""" Constructs the stability matrix of a two-step Runge-Kutta method. Right now just for a specific value of z. We ought to use Sage to do it symbolically. **Output**: M -- stability matrix evaluated at z WARNING: This only works for Type I & Type II methods right now!!! """ s = self.Ahat.shape[1] if self.type == 'General': # J Y^n = K Y^{n-1} K1 = np.column_stack((z*self.Ahat,self.d,1-self.d)) K2 = snp.zeros(s+2); K2[-1] = 1 K3 = np.concatenate((z*self.bhat,np.array((self.theta,1-self.theta)))) K = np.vstack((K1,K2,K3)) J = snp.eye(s+2) J[:s,:s] = J[:s,:s] - z*self.A J[-1,:s] = z*self.b M = snp.solve(J.astype('complex64'),K.astype('complex64')) #M = snp.solve(J, K) # This version is slower else: D=np.hstack([1.-self.d,self.d]) thet=np.hstack([1.-self.theta,self.theta]) A,b=self.A,self.b if self.type=='Type II': ahat = np.zeros([self.s,1]); ahat[:,0] = self.Ahat[:,0] bh = np.zeros([1,1]); bh[0,0]=self.bhat[0] A = np.hstack([ahat,self.A]) A = np.vstack([np.zeros([1,self.s+1]),A]) b = np.vstack([bh,self.b]) M1=np.linalg.solve(np.eye(self.s)-z*self.A,D) L1=thet+z*,M1) M=np.vstack([L1,[1.,0.]]) return M def __num__(self): """ Returns a copy of the method but with floating-point coefficients. This is useful whenever we need to operate numerically without worrying about the representation of the method. """ import copy numself = copy.deepcopy(self) if self.A.dtype==object: for coeff_array in ['A','Ahat','b','bhat','theta','d']: setattr(numself,coeff_array,np.array(getattr(self,coeff_array),dtype=np.float64)) return numself def plot_stability_region(self,N=50,bounds=None, color='r',filled=True,scaled=False): r""" Plot the region of absolute stability of a Two-step Runge-Kutta method, i.e. the set `\{ z \in C : M(z) is power bounded \}` where $M(z)$ is the stability matrix of the method. **Input**: (all optional) - N -- Number of gridpoints to use in each direction - bounds -- limits of plotting region - color -- color to use for this plot - filled -- if true, stability region is filled in (solid); otherwise it is outlined """ method = self.__num__() # Use floating-point coefficients for efficiency import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if bounds is None: from nodepy.utils import find_plot_bounds stable = lambda z : max(abs(np.linalg.eigvals(method.stability_matrix(z))))<=1.0 bounds = find_plot_bounds(np.vectorize(stable),guess=(-10,1,-5,5)) if np.min(np.abs(np.array(bounds)))<1.e-14: print('No stable region found; is this method zero-stable?') x=np.linspace(bounds[0],bounds[1],N) y=np.linspace(bounds[2],bounds[3],N) X=np.tile(x,(N,1)) Y=np.tile(y[:,np.newaxis],(1,N)) Z=X+Y*1j maxroot = lambda z : max(abs(np.linalg.eigvals(method.stability_matrix(z)))) Mroot = np.vectorize(maxroot) R = Mroot(Z) if filled: plt.contourf(X,Y,R,[0,1],colors=color) else: plt.contour(X,Y,R,[0,1],colors=color) plt.title('Absolute Stability Region for ' plt.plot([0,0],[bounds[2],bounds[3]],'--k',linewidth=2) plt.plot([bounds[0],bounds[1]],[0,0],'--k',linewidth=2) plt.axis('Image') def absolute_monotonicity_radius(self,acc=1.e-10,rmax=200, tol=3.e-16): r""" Returns the radius of absolute monotonicity of a TSRK method. """ from nodepy.utils import bisect r=bisect(0,rmax,acc,tol,self.is_absolutely_monotonic) return r def latex(self): """A laTeX representation of the compact form.""" from sympy.printing import latex d = self.d A = self.A Ahat = self.Ahat b = self.b bhat = self.bhat theta = self.theta s= r'\begin{align}' s+='\n' s+=r' \begin{array}{c|' s+='c'*(len(self)) +'|' s+='c'*(len(self)) s+='}\n' for i in range(len(self)): s+=' '+latex(d[i]) for j in range(len(self)): s+=' & '+latex(Ahat[i,j]) for j in range(len(self)): s+=' & '+latex(A[i,j]) s+=r'\\' s+='\n' s+=r' \hline' s+='\n' s+= ' '+latex(theta) for j in range(len(self)): s+=' & '+latex(bhat[j]) for j in range(len(self)): s+=' & '+latex(b[j]) s+='\n' s+=r' \end{array}' s+='\n' s+=r'\end{align}' s=s.replace('- -','') return s def __str__(self): from nodepy.utils import array2strings from nodepy.runge_kutta_method import _get_column_widths d = array2strings(self.d) A = array2strings(self.A) Ahat = array2strings(self.Ahat) b = array2strings(self.b) bhat = array2strings(self.bhat) theta = str(self.theta) lenmax, colmax = _get_column_widths([d, Ahat, A, bhat, b]) s ='\n'+self.type+'\n' for i in range(len(self)): s+=d[i].ljust(colmax+1)+'|' for j in range(len(self)): s+=Ahat[i,j].ljust(colmax+1) s+=' |' for j in range(len(self)): s+=A[i,j].ljust(colmax+1) s=s.rstrip()+'\n' s+='_'*(colmax+1)+('|_'+'_'*(colmax+1)*np.size(A,0))*2+'\n' s+= theta.ljust(colmax) s+=' |' for j in range(len(self)): s+=bhat[j].ljust(colmax+1) s+=' |' for j in range(len(self)): s+=b[j].ljust(colmax+1) return s.rstrip() def spijker_form(self): r""" Returns arrays $S,T$ such that the TSRK can be written $$ w = S x + T f(w),$$ and such that $\[S \ \ T\]$ has no two rows equal. See the TSRK paper by Ketcheson, Gottlieb, and Macdonald. Equation (2.5) therein gives the Spijker form for general TSRKs, while the last (unnumbered) equation of Section 4.2 gives the form for TSRKs of Type II (which are the type described by (4.2)). """ s=self.s if self.type=='General': zero_column = np.zeros( (s,1) ) T3 = np.hstack( (self.Ahat,zero_column,self.A,zero_column) ) T4 = np.hstack( (self.bhat, 0, self.b, 0) ) T = np.vstack( (np.zeros([s+1,2*s+2]),T3,T4) ) S1 = np.hstack( (np.zeros([s+1,1]),np.eye(s+1)) ) S2 = np.column_stack( (self.d,np.zeros([s,s]),1-self.d) ) S3 = np.hstack( ([[self.theta]],np.zeros([1,s]),[[1-self.theta]]) ) S = np.vstack( (S1,S2,S3) ) elif self.type=='Type I': K = np.vstack([self.A,self.b.T]) T2 = np.hstack([np.zeros([s+1,1]),K,np.zeros([s+1,1])]) T = np.vstack([np.zeros([1,s+1]),T2]) S1 = np.vstack([np.zeros([1,1]),self.d,np.array([[self.theta]])]) S2 = np.vstack([np.zeros([1,1]),1-self.d,np.array([[1-self.theta]])]) S = np.hstack([S1,S2]) elif self.type=='Type II': S0 = np.array([1,0]) S1 = np.hstack([self.d,1-self.d]) S2 = np.array([self.theta,1-self.theta]) S = np.vstack([S0,S1,S2]) ahat = np.zeros([s,1]) ahat[:,0] = self.Ahat[:,0] bh = np.zeros([1,1]) bh[0,0]=self.bhat[0] T0 = np.zeros([1,s+2]) T1 = np.hstack([ahat,self.A,np.zeros([s,1])]) T2 = np.hstack([bh,self.b.T,np.zeros([1,1])]) T = np.vstack([T0,T1,T2]) return S.astype(np.float64), T.astype(np.float64) def is_absolutely_monotonic(self,r,tol): r""" Returns 1 if the TSRK method is absolutely monotonic at $z=-r$. The method is absolutely monotonic if $(I+rT)^{-1}$ exists and $$(I+rT)^{-1}T \\ge 0$$ $$(I+rT)^{-1}S \\ge 0$$ The inequalities are interpreted componentwise. **References**: #. [spijker2007] """ S, T = self.spijker_form() m = np.shape(T)[0] X = np.eye(m) + r * T if abs(np.linalg.det(X)) < tol: return 0 P = np.linalg.solve(X, T) R = np.linalg.solve(X, S) if P.min()<-tol or R.min()<-tol: return 0 else: return 1
# Need an exception here if rhi==rmax #================================================================ # Functions for analyzing Two-step Runge-Kutta order conditions #================================================================ def TSRKOrderConditions(p,ind='all'): from nodepy.rooted_trees import Emap_str forest=rt.list_trees(p) code=[] for tree in forest: code.append(tsrk_elementary_weight_str(tree)+'-'+Emap_str(tree)) code[-1]=code[-1].replace('--','') code[-1]=code[-1].replace('1 ','e ') code[-1]=code[-1].replace('1)','e)') return code def tsrk_elementary_weight(tree): """ Constructs Butcher's elementary weights for Two-step Runge-Kutta methods """ from sympy import Symbol bhat,b,theta=Symbol('bhat',False),Symbol('b',False),Symbol('theta',False) ew=bhat*tree.Gprod(rt.Emap,rt.Gprod,betaargs=[TSRKeta,Dmap],alphaargs=[-1])+b*tree.Gprod(TSRKeta,rt.Dmap)+theta*tree.Emap(-1) return ew def tsrk_elementary_weight_str(tree): """ Constructs Butcher's elementary weights for Two-step Runge-Kutta methods as numpy-executable strings """ from nodepy.rooted_trees import Dmap_str, Emap_str ewstr='dot(bhat,'+tree.Gprod_str(rt.Emap_str,rt.Gprod_str,betaargs=[TSRKeta_str,Dmap_str],alphaargs=[-1])+')+dot(b,'+tree.Gprod_str(TSRKeta_str,rt.Dmap_str)+')+theta*'+Emap_str(tree,-1) ewstr=mysimp(ewstr) return ewstr def TSRKeta(tree): from nodepy.rooted_trees import Dprod from sympy import symbols raise Exception('This function does not work correctly; use the _str version') if tree=='': return 1 if tree=='T': return symbols('c',commutative=False) return symbols('d',commutative=False)*tree.Emap(-1)+symbols('Ahat',commutative=False)*tree.Gprod(Emap,Dprod,betaargs=[TSRKeta],alphaargs=[-1])+symbols('A',commutative=False)*Dprod(tree,TSRKeta) def TSRKeta_str(tree): """ Computes eta(t) for Two-step Runge-Kutta methods """ from nodepy.rooted_trees import Dprod_str, Emap_str if tree=='': return 'e' if tree=='T': return 'c' return '(d*'+Emap_str(tree,-1)+'+dot(Ahat,'+tree.Gprod_str(Emap_str,Dprod_str,betaargs=[TSRKeta_str],alphaargs=[-1])+')'+'+dot(A,'+Dprod_str(tree,TSRKeta_str)+'))' #================================================================ def loadTSRK(which='All'): r""" Load two particular TSRK methods (From :cite:`jackiewicz1995`). The method of order five satisfies the order conditions only to four or five digits of accuracy. """ from sympy import Rational one = Rational(1,1) TSRK={} #================================================ c = one lamda = 0 theta = (6*c**2 - 12*c + 5)/(1 - 6*c**2) d = np.array( [ (2*c - c**2 -2*lamda)/(2*c - 1) ] ) Ahat = np.array( [[(c+c**2-lamda-2*c*lamda)/(2*c - 1)]] ) A = np.array( [[lamda]] ) bhat = np.array( [2*(1-3*c**2)/(1-6*c**2)] ) b = np.array( [2*(2-6*c+3*c**2)/(1-6*c**2)] ) TSRK['order3']=TwoStepRungeKuttaMethod(d,theta,A,b,Ahat,bhat,type='General') #================================================ d=np.array([-113*one/88,-103*one/88]) theta=-4483*one/8011 Ahat=np.array([[1435*one/352,-479*one/352],[1917*one/352,-217*one/352]]) A=np.eye(2,dtype=object) bhat=np.array([180991*one/96132,-17777*one/32044]) b=np.array([-44709*one/32044,48803*one/96132]) TSRK['order4']=TwoStepRungeKuttaMethod(d,theta,A,b,Ahat,bhat,type='General') #================================================ d=np.array([-0.210299,-0.0995138]) theta=-0.186912 Ahat=np.array([[1.97944,0.0387917],[2.5617,2.3738]]) A=np.zeros([2,2]) bhat=np.array([1.45338,0.248242]) b=np.array([-0.812426,-0.0761097]) TSRK['order5']=TwoStepRungeKuttaMethod(d,theta,A,b,Ahat,bhat,type='General') if which=='All': return TSRK else: return TSRK[which] def load_type2_TSRK(s,p,type='Type II'): r""" Load a TSRK method from its coefficients in an ASCII file (usually from MATLAB). The coefficients are stored in the following order: [s d theta A b Ahat bhat]. """ path='/Users/ketch/Research/Projects/MRK/methods/TSRK/' file=path+'explicitzr'+str(s)+str(p)+'.tsrk' f=open(file,'r') coeff=[] for line in f: for word in line.split(): coeff.append(float(word)) s=int(coeff[0]) A=np.zeros([s,s]) Ahat=np.zeros([s,s]) b=np.zeros([s,1]) bhat=np.zeros([s,1]) d=np.array(coeff[1:s+1],ndmin=2).T theta = coeff[s+1] for row in range(s): A[row,:] = coeff[s+2+s*row:s+2+s*(row+1)] b = np.array(coeff[s**2+s+2:s**2+2*s+2],ndmin=2).T for row in range(s): Ahat[row,:] = coeff[s**2+2*s+2+s*row:s**2+2*s+2+s*(row+1)] bhat = np.array(coeff[2*s**2+2*s+2:2*s**2+3*s+2],ndmin=2).T return TwoStepRungeKuttaMethod(d,theta,A,b,Ahat,bhat,type=type) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
