
Source code for nodepy.ode_solver

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numbers
from six.moves import range

class ODESolver(object):
    """ Top-level class for numerical ODE solvers """
    def __init__(self):

    def __step__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs] def __call__(self,ivp,t0=0,N=5000,dt=None,errtol=None,controllertype='P', x=None,diagnostics=False,use_butcher=False,max_steps=7500): """ Calling an ODESolver numerically integrates the ODE u'(t) = f(t,u(t)) with initial value u(0)=u0 from time t0 up to time T using the solver. The timestep can be controlled in any of three ways: 1. By specifying N, the total number of steps to take. Then dt = (T-t0)/N. 2. By specifying dt directly. 3. For methods with an error estimate (e.g., RK pairs), by specifying an error tolerance. Then the step size is adjusted using a PI-controller to achieve the requested tolerance. In this case, dt should also be specified and determines the value of the initial timestep. The argument x is used to pass any additional arguments required for the RHS function f. **Input**: - ivp -- An IVP instance (the initial value problem to be solved) - t0 -- The initial time from which to integrate - N -- The # of steps to take (using a fixed step size) - dt -- The step size to use - errtol -- The local error tolerance to be observed (using adaptive stepping). This requires that the method have an error estimator, such as an embedded Runge-Kutta method. - controllerType -- The type of adaptive step size control to be used; available options are 'P' and 'PI'. See :cite:`hairer1993` for details. - diagnostics -- if True, return the number of rejected steps and a list of step sizes used, in addition to the solution values and times. **Output**: - t -- A list of solution times - u -- A list of solution values If ivp.T is a scalar, the solution is integrated to that time and all output step values are returned. If ivp.T is a list/array, the solution is integrated to T[-1] and the solution is returned for the times specified in T. TODO: * Implement an option to not keep all output (for efficiency). * Option to keep error estimate history """ # If a list of output times is specified and the method supports dense output, # then we don't have to stop exactly at the output times. if hasattr(self, 'b_dense') and not isinstance(ivp.T, numbers.Number): dense_output = True else: dense_output = False numself = self.__num__() f=ivp.rhs; u0=ivp.u0; T=ivp.T u=[u0]; t=[t0]; dthist=[]; errest_hist=[] uu = u0 rejected_steps=0 if isinstance(T, numbers.Number): t_final = T t_out = None else: t_final = T[-1] t_out = T if t_out is not None: iout = 0 next_output_time = T[iout] else: next_output_time = t_final t_current = t0 out_now = False if not hasattr(self, 'b_dense'): if errtol is None: # Fixed-timestep mode if dt is None: dt = (t_final-t0)/float(N) dt_standard = dt + 0 max_steps = max(max_steps, int(round(2*(t_final-t0)/dt))) for istep in range(max_steps): if t_current+dt >= next_output_time: dt = next_output_time - t_current out_now = True if not hasattr(self, 'b_dense'): uu = numself.__step__(f,t_current,uu,dt,x=x,use_butcher=use_butcher) else: uu, _ = numself.__step__(f,t_current,uu,dt,[],x=x,use_butcher=use_butcher) t_current += dt if (out_now) or (t_out is None): u.append(uu) t.append(t_current) if t_current >= t_final: break if out_now: iout += 1 next_output_time = T[iout] dt = dt_standard out_now = False else: # Error-control mode p=self.embedded_method.p alpha = 0.7/p; beta = 0.4/p; kappa = 0.9 facmin = 0.2; facmax = 5.0 errestold = errtol errest=1. for istep in range(max_steps): # Hit next output time exactly: if t_current+dt >= next_output_time: dt = next_output_time - t_current out_now = True unew,errest = numself.__step__(f,t_current,uu,dt,estimate_error=True,x=x,use_butcher=use_butcher) if errest<=errtol: # Step accepted t_current += dt if (out_now) or (t_out is None): u.append(unew) t.append(t_current) uu = unew.copy() # Stop if final time reached: if t_current >= t_final: break if out_now: iout += 1 next_output_time = T[iout] errestold = errest #Should this happen if step is rejected? dthist.append(dt) errest_hist.append(errest) else: rejected_steps+=1 out_now = False if controllertype=='P': #Compute new dt using P-controller facopt = (errtol/(errest+1.e-6*errtol))**alpha elif controllertype=='PI': #Compute new dt using PI-controller facopt = ((errtol/errest)**alpha *(errestold/errtol)**beta) else: print('Unrecognized time step controller type') # Set new step size dt = dt * min(facmax,max(facmin,kappa*facopt)) if istep==max_steps-1: print('Maximum number of steps reached; giving up.') else: # dense output if errtol is None: # Fixed-timestep mode if dt is None: dt = (t_final-t0)/float(N) dt_standard = dt + 0 for istep in range(max_steps): thetas = [] if t_current+dt >= next_output_time: out_now = True while next_output_time <= t_current + dt: thetas.append( (next_output_time - t_current)/dt ) iout += 1 if iout >= len(T): break next_output_time = T[iout] uu, output = numself.__step__(f,t_current,uu,dt,thetas, x=x,use_butcher=use_butcher) if output: for i, outsol in enumerate(output): u.append(outsol) t.append(t_current + dt*thetas[i]) t_current += dt if t_current >= t_final: break out_now = False else: # Error-control mode raise NotImplementedError if diagnostics==False: return t, u else: if errtol is None: return t,u,rejected_steps,dthist else: return t,u,rejected_steps,dthist,errest_hist
