
Source code for nodepy.linear_multistep_method


    >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm
    >>> ab3=lm.Adams_Bashforth(3)
    >>> ab3.order()
    >>> bdf2=lm.backward_difference_formula(2)
    >>> bdf2.order()
    >>> bdf2.is_zero_stable()
    >>> bdf7=lm.backward_difference_formula(7)
    >>> bdf7.is_zero_stable()
    >>> bdf3=lm.backward_difference_formula(3)
    >>> bdf3.A_alpha_stability()
    >>> ssp32=lm.elm_ssp2(3)
    >>> ssp32.order()
    >>> ssp32.ssp_coefficient()
    >>> ssp32.plot_stability_region() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

from __future__ import print_function

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import copy
import sympy
import nodepy.snp as snp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sympy import symbols, latex
from nodepy.snp import printable
from nodepy.general_linear_method import GeneralLinearMethod
from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range
from sympy import Rational
    import sympy.combinatorial as combinatorial
except ImportError:
    import sympy.functions.combinatorial as combinatorial

[docs]class LinearMultistepMethod(GeneralLinearMethod): r""" Implementation of linear multistep methods in the form: `\alpha_k y_{n+k} + \alpha_{k-1} y_{n+k-1} + ... + \alpha_0 y_n = h ( \beta_k f_{n+k} + ... + \beta_0 f_n )` Methods are automatically normalized so that \alpha_k=1. Notes: Representation follows Hairer & Wanner p. 368, NOT Butcher. **References**: * :cite:`hairer1993` Chapter III * :cite:`butcher2003` """ def __init__(self,alpha,beta,name='Linear multistep method',shortname='LMM', description=''): self.beta = beta /alpha[-1] self.alpha = alpha/alpha[-1] = name self.shortname = shortname if description != '': = description else: if self.is_explicit(): exp_str = "Explicit" else: exp_str = "Implicit" = "%s %d-step method of order %d" % (exp_str, len(self), self.order()) def __num__(self): """ Returns a copy of the method but with floating-point coefficients. This is useful whenever we need to operate numerically without worrying about the representation of the method. """ numself = copy.deepcopy(self) if self.alpha.dtype==object: numself.alpha=np.array(self.alpha,dtype=np.float64) numself.beta=np.array(self.beta,dtype=np.float64) return numself def __str__(self): """ Pretty-prints the coefficients """ from nodepy.utils import array2strings from nodepy.runge_kutta_method import _get_column_widths alpha = array2strings(self.alpha, printzeros=True) beta = array2strings(self.beta, printzeros=True) _, colmax = _get_column_widths([alpha,beta]) s = + '\n' + + '\n' s += 'alpha = [' for alpha_i in alpha: s += alpha_i.ljust(colmax + 1) s += ']\n' s += 'beta = [' for beta_i in beta: s += beta_i.ljust(colmax + 1) s += ']' return s.rstrip()
[docs] def characteristic_polynomials(self): r""" Returns the characteristic polynomials (also known as generating polynomials) of a linear multistep method. They are: `\rho(z) = \sum_{j=0}^k \alpha_k z^k` `\sigma(z) = \sum_{j=0}^k \beta_k z^k` **Examples**:: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> ab5 = lm.Adams_Bashforth(5) >>> rho,sigma = ab5.characteristic_polynomials() >>> print(rho) 5 4 1 x - 1 x >>> print(sigma) 4 3 2 2.64 x - 3.853 x + 3.633 x - 1.769 x + 0.3486 **Reference**: :cite:`hairer1993` p. 370, eq. 2.4 """ rho=np.poly1d(self.alpha[::-1]) sigma=np.poly1d(self.beta[::-1]) return rho, sigma
[docs] def order(self,tol=1.e-10): r""" Return the order of the local truncation error of a linear multistep method. **Examples**:: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> am3=lm.Adams_Moulton(3) >>> am3.order() 4 """ p = 0 while True: if self._satisfies_order_conditions(p+1,tol): p = p + 1 else: return p
def _satisfies_order_conditions(self,p,tol): """ Return True if the linear multistep method satisfies the conditions of order p (only) """ ii=snp.arange(len(self.alpha)) return abs(sum(ii**p*self.alpha-p*self.beta*ii**(p-1)))<tol
[docs] def absolute_monotonicity_radius(self): return self.ssp_coefficient()
@property def p(self): return self.order()
[docs] def latex(self): r""" Print a LaTeX representation of a linear multistep formula. **Example**:: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> print(lm.Adams_Bashforth(2).latex()) \begin{align} y_{n + 2} - y_{n + 1} = \frac{3}{2}h f(y_{n + 1}) - \frac{1}{2}h f(y_{n})\end{align} """ n = symbols('n') k = len(self) alpha_terms = [] beta_terms = [] for i in range(k+1): subscript = latex(n+k-i) if self.alpha[k-i] != 0: alpha_terms.append(printable(self.alpha[k-i],return_one=False) + ' y_{'+subscript+'}') if self.beta[k-i] != 0: beta_terms.append(printable(self.beta[k-i],return_one=False) + 'h f(y_{'+subscript+'})') lhs = ' + '.join(alpha_terms) rhs = ' + '.join(beta_terms) s = r'\begin{align}'+ ' = '.join([lhs,rhs]) + r'\end{align}' s = s.replace('+ -','-') return s
[docs] def ssp_coefficient(self): r""" Return the SSP coefficient of the method. The SSP coefficient is given by `\min_{0 \le j < k} -\alpha_k/beta_k` if `\alpha_j<0` and `\beta_j>0` for all `j`, and is equal to zero otherwise. **Examples**:: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> ssp32=lm.elm_ssp2(3) >>> ssp32.ssp_coefficient() 1/2 >>> bdf2=lm.backward_difference_formula(2) >>> bdf2.ssp_coefficient() 0 """ if np.any(self.alpha[:-1]>0) or np.any(self.beta<0): return 0 return min([-self.alpha[j]/self.beta[j] for j in range(len(self.alpha)-1) if self.beta[j]!=0])
[docs] def plot_stability_region(self,N=100,bounds=None,color='r',filled=True, alpha=1., to_file=False,longtitle=False): r""" The region of absolute stability of a linear multistep method is the set `\{ z \in C : \rho(\zeta) - z \sigma(zeta) \text{ satisfies the root condition} \}` where `\rho(zeta)` and `\sigma(zeta)` are the characteristic functions of the method. Also plots the boundary locus, which is given by the set of points z: `\{z | z=\rho(\exp(i\theta))/\sigma(\exp(i\theta)), 0\le \theta \le 2*\pi \}` Here `\rho` and `\sigma` are the characteristic polynomials of the method. Reference: :cite:`leveque2007` section 7.6.1 **Input**: (all optional) - N -- Number of gridpoints to use in each direction - bounds -- limits of plotting region - color -- color to use for this plot - filled -- if true, stability region is filled in (solid); otherwise it is outlined """ rho, sigma = self.__num__().characteristic_polynomials() mag = lambda z: _root_condition(rho-z*sigma) vmag = np.vectorize(mag) z = self._boundary_locus() if bounds is None: # Use boundary locus to decide plot region realmax, realmin = np.max(np.real(z)), np.min(np.real(z)) imagmax, imagmin = np.max(np.imag(z)), np.min(np.imag(z)) deltar, deltai = realmax-realmin, imagmax-imagmin bounds = (realmin-deltar/5.,realmax+deltar/5., imagmin-deltai/5.,imagmax+deltai/5.) y=np.linspace(bounds[2],bounds[3],N) Y=np.tile(y[:,np.newaxis],(1,N)) x=np.linspace(bounds[0],bounds[1],N) X=np.tile(x,(N,1)) Z=X+Y*1j R=1.5-vmag(Z) if filled: plt.contourf(X,Y,R,[0,1],colors=color,alpha=alpha) else: plt.contour(X,Y,R,[0,1],colors=color,alpha=alpha) fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.get_axes() if longtitle: plt.setp(ax,title='Absolute Stability Region for ' else: plt.setp(ax,title='Stability region') plt.plot([0,0],[bounds[2],bounds[3]],'--k',linewidth=2) plt.plot([bounds[0],bounds[1]],[0,0],'--k',linewidth=2) plt.plot(np.real(z),np.imag(z),color='k',linewidth=3) plt.axis(bounds) plt.axis('image') if to_file: plt.savefig(to_file, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.3) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def plot_boundary_locus(self,N=1000,figsize=None): r"""Plot the boundary locus, which is given by the set of points `\{z | z=\rho(\exp(i\theta))/\sigma(\exp(i\theta)), 0\le \theta \le 2*\pi \}` where `\rho` and `\sigma` are the characteristic polynomials of the method. Reference: :cite:`leveque2007` section 7.6.1 """ z = self._boundary_locus(N) if figsize is None: plt.figure() else: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.plot(np.real(z),np.imag(z),color='k',linewidth=3) plt.axis('image') bounds = plt.axis() plt.plot([0,0],[bounds[2],bounds[3]],'--k',linewidth=2) plt.plot([bounds[0],bounds[1]],[0,0],'--k',linewidth=2) plt.title('Boundary locus for ' plt.draw()
def _boundary_locus(self, N=1000): r"""Compute the boundary locus, which is given by the set of points `\{z | z=\rho(\exp(i\theta))/\sigma(\exp(i\theta)), 0\le \theta \le 2*\pi \}` where `\rho` and `\sigma` are the characteristic polynomials of the method. Reference: :cite:`leveque2007` section 7.6.1 """ theta=np.linspace(0.,2*np.pi,N) zeta = np.exp(theta*1j) rho,sigma=self.__num__().characteristic_polynomials() z = rho(zeta)/sigma(zeta) return z
[docs] def A_alpha_stability(self, N=1000, tol=1.e-14): r"""Angle of `A(\alpha)`-stability. The result is given in degrees. The result is only accurate to about 1 degree, so we round down. **Examples**: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> bdf5 = lm.backward_difference_formula(5) >>> bdf5.A_alpha_stability() 51 """ from math import atan2, floor z = self._boundary_locus(N) rad = list(map(atan2,np.imag(z),np.real(z))) rad = np.mod(np.array(rad),2*np.pi) return min(int(floor(np.min(np.abs(np.where(np.real(z)<-tol,rad,1.e99)-np.pi))/np.pi*180)),90)
[docs] def is_explicit(self): return self.beta[-1]==0
[docs] def is_zero_stable(self,tol=1.e-13): r""" True if the method is zero-stable. **Examples**:: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> bdf5=lm.backward_difference_formula(5) >>> bdf5.is_zero_stable() True """ rho, sigma = self.characteristic_polynomials() return _root_condition(rho,tol)
def __len__(self): r"""Returns the number of steps used.""" return len(self.alpha)-1
[docs]class AdditiveLinearMultistepMethod(GeneralLinearMethod): r""" Method for solving equations of the form `y'(t) = f(y) + g(y)` The method takes the form `\alpha_k y_{n+k} + \alpha_{k-1} y_{n+k-1} + ... + \alpha_0 y_n = h ( \beta_k f_{n+k} + ... + \beta_0 f_n + \gamma_k f_{n+k} + ... + \gamma_0 f_n )` Methods are automatically normalized so that \alpha_k=1. The usual reference for these is Ascher, Ruuth, and Whetton. But we follow a different notation (as just described). """ def __init__(self, alpha, beta, gamma, name='Additive linear multistep method'): self.beta = beta /alpha[-1] self.gamma = gamma/alpha[-1] self.alpha = alpha/alpha[-1] = name self.method1 = LinearMultistepMethod(alpha, beta) self.method2 = LinearMultistepMethod(alpha, gamma) def __num__(self): """ Returns a copy of the method but with floating-point coefficients. This is useful whenever we need to operate numerically without worrying about the representation of the method. """ numself = copy.deepcopy(self) if self.alpha.dtype == object: numself.alpha = np.array(self.alpha, dtype=np.float64) numself.beta = np.array(self.beta, dtype=np.float64) numself.gamma = np.array(self.gamma, dtype=np.float64) return numself
[docs] def order(self,tol=1.e-10): r""" Return the order of the local truncation error of an additive linear multistep method. The output is the minimum of the order of the component methods. """ orders = [] for method in (self.method1,self.method2): p = 0 while True: if method._satisfies_order_conditions(p+1,tol): p = p + 1 else: orders.append(p) break return min(orders)
[docs] def plot_imex_stability_region(self,both_real=False,N=100,color='r',filled=True, alpha=1.,fignum=None,bounds=[-10, 1, -5, 5]): r""" **Input**: (all optional) - N -- Number of gridpoints to use in each direction - bounds -- limits of plotting region - color -- color to use for this plot - filled -- if true, stability region is filled in (solid); otherwise it is outlined """ rho, sigma1 = self.method1.__num__().characteristic_polynomials() rho, sigma2 = self.method2.__num__().characteristic_polynomials() if both_real: mag = lambda a, b: _max_root(rho - a*sigma1 - b*sigma2) else: mag = lambda a, b: _max_root(rho - a*sigma1 - 1j*b*sigma2) vmag = np.vectorize(mag) y = np.linspace(bounds[2],bounds[3],N) Y = np.tile(y[:,np.newaxis],(1,N)) x = np.linspace(bounds[0],bounds[1],N) X = np.tile(x,(N,1)) R = vmag(X,Y) h = plt.figure(fignum) if filled: plt.contourf(X,Y,R,[0,1],colors=color,alpha=alpha) else: plt.contour(X,Y,R,[0,1],colors=color,alpha=alpha) plt.contour(X,Y,R,np.linspace(0,1,10),colors='k') plt.title('IMEX Stability Region for ' plt.plot([0,0],[bounds[2],bounds[3]],'--k',linewidth=2) plt.plot([bounds[0],bounds[1]],[0,0],'--k',linewidth=2) plt.axis(bounds) return h
[docs] def stiff_damping_factor(self,epsilon=1.e-7): r""" Return the magnitude of the largest root at z=-inf. This routine just computes a numerical approximation to the true value (with absolute accuracy epsilon). """ rho, sigma1 = self.method1.__num__().characteristic_polynomials() rho, sigma2 = self.method2.__num__().characteristic_polynomials() mag = lambda a, b: _max_root(rho - a*sigma1 - 1j*b*sigma2) f=[] z=-1. f.append(mag(z,0)) while True: z = z*10. f.append(mag(z,0)) if np.abs(f[-1]-f[-2]) < epsilon: return f[-1] if len(f)>100: print(f) raise Exception('Unable to compute stiff damping factor: slow convergence')
# ====================================================== def _max_root(p): return max(np.abs(p.r)) def _root_condition(p,tol=1.e-13): r""" True if the polynomial `p` has all roots inside the unit circle and roots on the boundary of the unit circle are simple. **Examples**:: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> p = np.poly1d((1,0.4,2,0.5)) >>> lm._root_condition(p) False """ if max(np.abs(p.r))>(1+tol): return False mod_one_roots = [r for r in p.r if abs(abs(r)-1)<tol] for i,r1 in enumerate(mod_one_roots): for r2 in mod_one_roots[i+1:]: if abs(r1-r2)<tol: return False return True # ====================================================== # Families of multistep methods # ======================================================
[docs]def Adams_Bashforth(k): r""" Construct the k-step, Adams-Bashforth method. The methods are explicit and have order k. They have the form: `y_{n+1} = y_n + h \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} \beta_j f(y_n-k+j+1)` They are generated using equations (1.5) and (1.7) from :cite:`hairer1993` III.1, along with the binomial expansion. **Examples**:: >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm >>> ab3=lm.Adams_Bashforth(3) >>> print(ab3) 3-step Adams-Bashforth Explicit 3-step method of order 3 alpha = [ 0 0 -1 1 ] beta = [ 5/12 -4/3 23/12 0 ] >>> ab3.order() 3 Reference: :cite:`hairer1993` """ one = Rational(1,1) alpha=snp.zeros(k+1) beta=snp.zeros(k+1) alpha[k]=one alpha[k-1]=-one gamma=snp.zeros(k) gamma[0]=one beta[k-1]=one betaj=snp.zeros(k+1) for j in range(1,k): gamma[j]=one-sum(gamma[:j]/snp.arange(j+1,1,-1)) for i in range(0,j+1): betaj[k-i-1]=(-one)**i*combinatorial.factorials.binomial(j,i)*gamma[j] beta=beta+betaj name=str(k)+'-step Adams-Bashforth' return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,name=name,shortname='AB'+str(k))
[docs]def Nystrom(k): r""" Construct the k-step explicit Nystrom linear multistep method. The methods are explicit and have order k. They have the form: `y_{n+1} = y_{n-1} + h \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} \beta_j f(y_n-k+j+1)` They are generated using equations (1.13) and (1.7) from :cite:`hairer1993` III.1, along with the binomial expansion and the relation in exercise 4 on p. 367. Note that the term "Nystrom method" is also commonly used to refer to a class of methods for second-order ODEs; those are NOT the methods generated by this function. **Examples**:: >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm >>> nys3=lm.Nystrom(6) >>> nys3.order() 6 Reference: :cite:`hairer1993` """ one = Rational(1,1) alpha = snp.zeros(k+1) alpha[k] = one alpha[k-2] = -one beta = snp.zeros(k+1) kappa = snp.zeros(k) gamma = snp.zeros(k) gamma[0] = one kappa[0] = 2*one beta[k-1] = 2*one betaj = snp.zeros(k+1) for j in range(1,k): gamma[j] = one-sum(gamma[:j]/snp.arange(j+1,1,-1)) kappa[j] = 2 * gamma[j] - gamma[j-1] for i in range(0,j+1): betaj[k-i-1] = (-one)**i*combinatorial.factorials.binomial(j,i)*kappa[j] beta = beta+betaj name = str(k)+'-step Nystrom' return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,name=name,shortname='Nys'+str(k))
[docs]def Adams_Moulton(k): r""" Construct the k-step, Adams-Moulton method. The methods are implicit and have order k+1. They have the form: `y_{n+1} = y_n + h \sum_{j=0}^{k} \beta_j f(y_n-k+j+1)` They are generated using equation (1.9) and the equation in Exercise 3 from Hairer & Wanner III.1, along with the binomial expansion. **Examples**:: >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm >>> am3=lm.Adams_Moulton(3) >>> am3.order() 4 Reference: :cite:`hairer1993` """ alpha=snp.zeros(k+1) beta=snp.zeros(k+1) alpha[k]=1 alpha[k-1]=-1 gamma=snp.zeros(k+1) gamma[0]=1 beta[k]=1 betaj=snp.zeros(k+1) for j in range(1,k+1): gamma[j]= -sum(gamma[:j]/snp.arange(j+1,1,-1)) for i in range(0,j+1): betaj[k-i]=(-1)**i*combinatorial.factorials.binomial(j,i)*gamma[j] beta=beta+betaj name=str(k)+'-step Adams-Moulton' return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,name=name,shortname='AM'+str(k))
[docs]def Milne_Simpson(k): r""" Construct the k-step, Milne-Simpson method. The methods are implicit and (for k>=3) have order k+1. They have the form: `y_{n+1} = y_{n-1} + h \sum_{j=0}^{k} \beta_j f(y_n-k+j+1)` They are generated using equation (1.15), the equation in Exercise 3, and the relation in exercise 4, all from Hairer & Wanner III.1, along with the binomial expansion. **Examples**:: >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm >>> ms3=lm.Milne_Simpson(3) >>> ms3.order() 4 Reference: :cite:`hairer1993` """ alpha = snp.zeros(k+1) beta = snp.zeros(k+1) alpha[k] = 1 alpha[k-2] = -1 gamma = snp.zeros(k+1) kappa = snp.zeros(k+1) gamma[0] = 1 kappa[0] = 2 beta[k] = 2 betaj = snp.zeros(k+1) for j in range(1,k+1): gamma[j] = -sum(gamma[:j]/snp.arange(j+1,1,-1)) kappa[j] = 2 * gamma[j] - gamma[j-1] for i in range(0,j+1): betaj[k-i] = (-1)**i*combinatorial.factorials.binomial(j,i)*kappa[j] beta = beta+betaj name = str(k)+'-step Milne-Simpson' return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,name=name,shortname='MS'+str(k))
[docs]def backward_difference_formula(k): r""" Construct the k-step backward differentiation method. The methods are implicit and have order k. They have the form: `\sum_{j=0}^{k} \alpha_j y_{n+k-j+1} = h \beta_j f(y_{n+1})` They are generated using equation (1.22') from Hairer & Wanner III.1, along with the binomial expansion. **Examples**:: >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm >>> bdf4=lm.backward_difference_formula(4) >>> bdf4.A_alpha_stability() 73 **Reference**: :cite:`hairer1993` pp. 364-365 """ alpha=snp.zeros(k+1) beta=snp.zeros(k+1) beta[k]=1 gamma=snp.zeros(k+1) gamma[0]=1 alphaj=snp.zeros(k+1) for j in range(1,k+1): gamma[j]= sympy.Rational(1,j) for i in range(0,j+1): alphaj[k-i]=(-1)**i*combinatorial.factorials.binomial(j,i)*gamma[j] alpha=alpha+alphaj name=str(k)+'-step BDF' return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,name=name,shortname='BDF'+str(k))
[docs]def elm_ssp2(k): r""" Returns the optimal SSP k-step linear multistep method of order 2. **Examples**:: >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm >>> lm10=lm.elm_ssp2(10) >>> lm10.ssp_coefficient() 8/9 """ alpha=snp.zeros(k+1) beta=snp.zeros(k+1) alpha[-1]=sympy.Rational(1,1) alpha[0]=sympy.Rational(-1,(k-1)**2) alpha[k-1]=sympy.Rational(-(k-1)**2+1,(k-1)**2) beta[k-1]=sympy.Rational(k,k-1) name='Optimal '+str(k)+'-step, 2nd order SSP method.' return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,name=name)
[docs]def sand_cc(s): r""" Construct Sand's circle-contractive method of order `p=2(s+1)` that uses `2^s + 1` steps. **Examples**:: >>> import nodepy.linear_multistep_method as lm >>> cc4 = lm.sand_cc(4) >>> cc4.order() 10 >>> cc4.ssp_coefficient() 1/8 **Reference**: :cite:`sand1986` """ one = sympy.Rational(1) zero = sympy.Rational(0) k = 2**s + 1 Jn = [k,k-1] for i in range(1,s+1): Jn.append(k-1-2**i) alpha = snp.zeros(k+1) beta = snp.zeros(k+1) # This is inefficient for j in Jn: tau_product = one tau_sum = zero tau = [one/(j-i) for i in Jn if i!=j] tau_product = tau_sum = np.sum(tau) beta[j] = tau_product**2 alpha[j] = 2*beta[j]*tau_sum return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,'Sand circle-contractive')
[docs]def arw2(gam,c): r"""Returns the second order IMEX additive multistep method based on the parametrization in Section 3.2 of Ascher, Ruuth, & Whetton. The parameters are gam and c. Known methods are obtained with the following values: (1/2,0): CNAB (1/2,1/8): MCNAB (0,1): CNLF (1,0): SBDF **Examples**:: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> import sympy >>> CNLF = lm.arw2(0,sympy.Rational(1)) >>> CNLF.order() 2 >>> CNLF.method1.ssp_coefficient() 1 >>> CNLF.method2.ssp_coefficient() 0 >>> print(CNLF.stiff_damping_factor()) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.999... """ half = sympy.Rational(1,2) alpha = snp.array([gam-half,-2*gam,gam+half]) beta = snp.array([c/2,1-gam-c,gam+c/2]) # implicit part gamma = snp.array([-gam,gam+1,0]) # explicit part return AdditiveLinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,gamma,'ARW2('+str(gam)+','+str(c)+')')
[docs]def arw3(gam,theta,c): r"""Returns the third order IMEX additive multistep method based on the parametrization in Section 3.3 of Ascher, Ruuth, & Whetton. The parameters are gamma, theta, and c. Known methods are obtained with the following values: (1,0,0): SBDF3 Note that there is one sign error in the ARW paper; it is corrected here. """ half = sympy.Rational(1,2) third = sympy.Rational(1,3) alpha = snp.array([-half*gam**2+third/2, 3*half*gam**2+gam-1, -3*half*gam**2-2*gam+half-theta, half*gam**2+gam+third+theta]) beta = snp.array([5*half/6*theta-c, (gam**2-gam)*half+3*c-4*theta*third, 1-gam**2-3*c+23*theta*third/4, (gam**2+gam)*half+c]) gamma = snp.array([(gam**2+gam)*half+5*theta*third/4, -gam**2-2*gam-4*theta*third, (gam**2+3*gam)*half+1+23*theta*third/4,0]) return AdditiveLinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,gamma,'ARW3('+str(gam)+','+str(theta)+','+str(c)+')')
[docs]def loadLMM(which='All'): """ Load a set of standard linear multistep methods for testing. **Examples**:: >>> from nodepy import lm >>> ebdf5 = lm.loadLMM('eBDF5') >>> print(ebdf5) eBDF 5 Explicit 5-step method of order 5 alpha = [ -12/137 75/137 -200/137 300/137 -300/137 1 ] beta = [ 60/137 -300/137 600/137 -600/137 300/137 0 ] >>> ebdf5.is_zero_stable() True """ LM={} # ================================================ alpha = snp.array([-12,75,-200,300,-300,137])/sympy.Rational(137,1) beta = snp.array([60,-300,600,-600,300,0])/sympy.Rational(137,1) LM['eBDF5'] = LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,'eBDF 5') # ================================================ theta = sympy.Rational(1,2) alpha = snp.array([-1,1]) beta = snp.array([1-theta,theta]) gamma = snp.array([1,0]) LM['ET112'] = AdditiveLinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,gamma,'Euler-Theta') # ================================================ if which=='All': return LM else: return LM[which]
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
